As you know, you can do a google search for just about anything you need to know.
Here's are a few places to get you started.
My advice is to make it easy for a potential employer to find you and to hire you.
Write an easy to read resume that fits the job you are applying for by highlighting the skills or experience you have that match what are looking for.
Don't limit yourself to companies that are advertising open positions. At any given time, current employees are retiring, getting married, moving, having children or changing jobs. If you can get your resume in front of an employer and are ready to start work before the position that is about to be vacated is advertised, you've made his life easier because he doesn't have to wade through tons of applicants and you don't have to compete with others who may have more experience than you do right now.
If possible, do a little detective work and find out who makes the hiring decisions and visit them in person. Be dressed for an interview and have a copy of your resume and a one minute sales presentation about yourself ready to go, in case an opportunity to present yourself arises.